Related info
- 16/12/2022
- Cagliari & online, Italy
- Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari
In the framework of EBSOMED project, the Cagliari Chamber of Commerce will represent ASCAME in a key capacity building.
To attend in person: Cagliari, IT – Manifattura Tabacchi, Viale Regina Margherita 33 Contemporanea Hall, First Floor
To connect online:
Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation – Financial Instruments and Exchanges of Experiences
Moderating: Giuseppe CENTORE
09.00 am
Welcome speeches:
- Maurizio DE PASCALE, Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari-Oristano, President
- Paolo TRUZZU, Municipality of Cagliari, Mayor
- Christian SOLINAS, Sardinian Region, President (tbc)
- Alessandra CARUCCI, University of Cagliari, Pro-rector for Internalization
- Roberto RAIMONDI, ENI CBC MED Managing Authority, General Director
- Ahmed M. EL WAKIL, ASCAME, President
10.00 am
Award ceremony of ASCAME past-President Cav. Romano MAMBRINI and of ASCAME current President Mr. A.M. EL WAKIL.
10.15 am
First session: the role of the Chambers of Commerce in the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation
- Cristiano ERRIU, Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari-Oristano, General Secretary
- Alaa EZZ, Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, General Secretary
- Rabih SABRA, Chamber of Commerce of Beirut, General Director
- Moez HASSEN, Chamber of Commerce of Cap Bon, General Director
11.15 am
Coffee break and networking
11.30 am
Second session: business support instruments for the development of SMEs within the Euro-Mediterranean area
- The regional instruments (ERDF and PNRR), Massimo TEMUSSI, ERDF Managing Authority, Sardinian Region, Director.
- The export services for Italian companies, Fabio MEONI, Marketing officer, ICE – Italian Trade Agency.
- The NEXT MED 2021 – 2027 Programme, Aldo PULEO, ENI CBC MED Managing Authority, Programme Officer.
- The Business Country desk (BCD) platform, Eleonora FANTOZZI, BUSINESSMED, Projects coordinator.