- Date: 21/02/2022
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - International Smart City Congress Algeria 2022
ASCAME is partner in the International Smart City Congress in Algeria (next 21st-23rd June, 2022), in order to promote smart cities and sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. The Congress will explore the considerable growth of cities, the development of an energy strategy, the optimal management of water and the development of infrastructures, among others.
ASCAME will support the Congress as partner.
CEDAR Oxygen works with local and international financial institutions to support Lebanon’s manufacturers most pressing funding in terms of Working Capital, Capital Expenditure and Renewable Energy.
ASCAME and CEDAR Oxygen will support each other to help the Lebanese enterprises to make the Lebanese economy more solid and thus, creating economic development in the Mediterranean region.
The aim of this goal is setting up a collaboration framework to promote youth entrepreneurship and the development and financing of startups in the Mediterranean region. ASCAME and Keiretsu Forum Spain will work together to promote the socio-economic development of the private sector of the Mediterranean region, focusing on financing startups and supporting young eneterpreneurs. Therefore, they will jointly promote the development of business, trade and investment in the Mediterranean.

- Date: 22/11/2021
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - WESTMED
The aim of this MoU with WESTMED is to establish a solid collaboration framework with the objective of promoting blue economy, a safer maritime space and the improval of the maritime governance in the Mediterranean. The main goal is to develop a strong institutional relationship with the aim of establishing a durable mechanism of dialogue and cooperation.

- Date: 11/10/2021
- Type of agreement: Agreement
- Entities: ASCAME - SEED
Cooperation agreement between ASCAME and SEED with the aim of setting up a collaboration framework to promote action on entrepreneurship and inclusive green economy in the transition to sustainable development. The goal is to enhance mutual co-operation by carrying out joint initiatives such as statements, events, workshops, trainings, seminars, conferences and other actions in order to futher contribute to the sustainable development of the Mediterranean region.

- Date: 02/08/2021
- Type of agreement: Agreement
- Entities: ASCAME - EBCAM
This agreement aims to promote the socio-economic development of the Mediterranean region, focusing on the promotion of development, trade and investment in the African countries, with the objective of developing a strong institutional relationship to establish a durable mechanism of dialogue and cooperation.

- Date: 28/01/2021
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - ABIQ
The aim of this MoU is to facilitate access to the ASCAME members to a trusted platform of business intelligence on Africa and Middle East in order to support their growth strategy. ABiQ and ASCAME agree to collaborate on activities and events that are of mutual interest and share information relevant to their networks.

- Date: 27/04/2020
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - EURECAT
Through this agreement, ASCAME and EURECAT agree to work together to launch joint initiatives that contribute to mitigate the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic through technology and innovation, with special attention to the recovery of industrial and business sectors.

- Date: 09/03/2020
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Crescendo Worldwide
The purpose of this MoU is to strengthen international trade and cooperation between Mediterranean and Indian companies. In this regard, ASCAME and CRESCENDO WORLDWIDE will collaborate to organise joint activities and events for their members.
This MoU aims to set a cooperation framework for ASCAME and Global Citizenship Education Fund (GCEF) to join synergies in different initiatives that render benefits in terms of citizenship education to the youth and entrepreneur women in the Mediterranean countries.
ASCAME and Habitat World agree to cooperate in several initiatives that foster promotion and education on sustainable economic development in the Mediterranean region.
The parties will cooperate in events, pieces of training, visits and other activities that encourage economic and social stability in the Mediterranean region.

- Date: 17/10/2019
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI)
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) agree to co-operate in different initiatives for the benefit of the real estate sector and the economic and international trade development in the Mediterranean region and beyond.
The two organisations agree to work together in common activities that aim to develop the real estate sector in the Mediterranean; support economic and financial initiatives that encourage investments in the region; promote and facilitate real estate initiatives addressed to enhance social housing in the region and encourage the use of green building strategies.

- Date: 26/06/2019
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Associations of Cargo Agents and International Logistical Operators of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALACAT)
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and the Associations of Cargo Agents and International Logistical Operators of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALACAT) agree to develop a strong institutional relationship to establish a durable mechanism of dialogue, carry out common activities and exchanging experiences in areas of mutual interest.
The parties engage to facilitate the participation of Latin American and Mediterranean entrepreneurs from the logistics and transport sector as well as representatives of both organisations at sectoral fairs and exhibitions to promote the economic and commercial development of the two regions.

- Date: 26/06/2019
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean (CETMO)
ASCAME and the Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean (CETMO) agree to join synergies to promote Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the transports and logistics sector.
The parties commit to collaborate in special sectoral events, working commissions and international cooperation projects related to the transports and logistics sector in the Mediterranean region.
This MoU aims to strengthen the relations between the MEDPorts Association and ASCAME through close cooperation on matters of mutual interest such as the promotion of ports and the transports and logistics sector in the Mediterranean region. Both parties commit to foster private sector initiatives in the Mediterranean region to establish a stable, sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.

- Date: 02/03/2019
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Union of African Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture & Professions (UACCIAP)
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and the Union of African Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture & Professions (UACCIAP) recognize their shared commitment to creating more opportunities in trade and investment for their member businesses at international level and to strengthen the economic and trade relations between two regions.
The two organisations agree to further recognize and establish friendly and cooperative relations, supporting a wide array of activities, such as trade and investment promotion activities, organisation of business delegations and the exchange of mutual information on exhibitions, fairs, trade forums and training activities for the benefit of the Mediterranean and Africa private sector.

- Date: 18/02/2019
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF)
This MoU aims to develop a solid institutional relationship between ASCAME and World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) establishing a durable mechanism of dialogue and participation in joint activities such as forums, initiatives, events, programs, projects and exchange of experiences.
ASCAME and World Business Angels Investment Forum will join forces to favour the economic development of the Mediterranean start-ups, scale-ups, entrepreneurs and SMEs, working for a more favourable funding environment for them.

- Date: 12/02/2019
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Franchise Association for the Middle East
The Franchise Association for the Middle East – MENA Centre for Investment (FAME-MENA Centre for Investment) and ASCAME agree to cooperate, where and when feasible and appropriate, pooling their in-kind resources aiming at conducting complimentary services to their members.
Besides other initiatives – to be approved case by case- all parties shall cooperate by presenting joint proposals to bilateral and multilateral donors, besides offering collective services to national and regional actors.

- Date: 22/11/2018
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Agency for the Cultural and Economic Development North-South (ADEC-NS)
Through this collaboration agreement, the Agency for the Cultural and Economic Development North-South (ADEC-NS) and ASCAME undertake some concrete common actions.
Both entities will promote their activities related to the Mediterranean, support the organisation of economic and cultural events focused on the Mediterranean (meetings and conferences), exchange information on the development of economic exchanges and cooperation as well as general information on their activities and projects in the Mediterranean.

- Date: 21/11/2018
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB)
The purpose of this MoU is setting up a collaboration framework between ASCAME and the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB) to consolidate the socioeconomic relations in the Mediterranean, the Arab countries and Brazil, especially through the consolidation of Chambers of Commerce and other economic & business actors and explore positive synergies to generate, on a large scale, a sustainable and stable economic growth.
This MoU intends to carry out a program of activities aiming at the development of a strong mechanism of dialogue; the promotion of trade relations and exchange of trade missions and facilitate the participation of Mediterranean, Arabic and Brazilian business people at fairs and exhibitions; to enhance cooperation and exchange relevant information.
The Tarragona 2017 Foundation and ASCAME have signed this cooperation agreement to establish a close cooperation framework regarding the promotion and organization of common activities during the XVII Mediterranean Games.
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and the World Federation of Consuls (FICAC) wish to promote co-operation between the two institutions with positive institutional engagement to a mutual benefit, especially by supporting investment in the region and co-operation within-EU and outside-EU on programs aiming to promote key business activities.
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) commit themselves to promote tourism in the Mediterranean, as the main sector, driver of growth, within the region.
In terms of specific objectives, the cooperation between the parties will also aim to support job creation; support social business initiatives; facilitate and enhance the flow of investment in the region and increase investment attractiveness of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

- Date: 02/12/2016
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Euro-Mediterranean Network of Social Economy (ESMED)
In the Mediterranean region, the Social Economy (SE) represents more than 900 000 organisations, 100 million of individuals associated and 8 million employments. In the last years, its role has become even more important as partnering with public and private agents, the Social Economy enterprises and organisations offer responses to many relevant regional challenges such as youth unemployment, social innovation and rural and local development.
Through this agreement, ASCAME and Euro-Mediterranean Network of Social Economy (ESMED) express their will to collaborate to further encourage the involvement of the Mediterranean private sector and economic actors in this Economy representing the great potential for development.

- Date: 18/07/2016
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Regional Council of the Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima Region (CRTTA)
The collaboration agreement aims at establishing the bases of collaboration between ASCAME and the Regional Council of the Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima Region (CRTTA) for the execution of cooperation and development actions in the Region Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima.
This agreement will especially focus on regional and Mediterranean cooperation projects, the establishment of training programs and business forums, promotion of the use of renewable energies and encouragement of synergies in the energy sectors in the Mediterranean.
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and the Mediterranean Bank Network (MBN) commit themselves to promote the cooperation between the financial sector and the chambers of commerce and companies of the Mediterranean region. The MoU aims to promote investments in the Mediterranean region, as well as funding for SMEs and start-ups. Both parties agreed to closely collaborate in identifying projects, organizing events and initiatives focused on the collaboration between banks, businesses and chambers of commerce, and the creation of lines of financing support for SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs.

- Date: 01/12/2015
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Mediterranean Hotels and Restaurants Association (MH&RA)
The present MoU between ASCAME and the Mediterranean Hotels and Restaurants Association (MH&RA) has been established in the context of the initiatives undertaken by MH&RA and ASCAME (the parties hereinafter) with the purpose to support the growing hospitality industry in the Mediterranean as a facilitator for the economic and social development of the region.
In this sense, the parties will cooperate and contribute to the creation of an efficient and sustainable network between the Mediterranean Hospitality representatives and the creation of synergies with the Mediterranean private sector with the final aim to support the Mediterranean region, its people and its businesses all over the world.

- Date: 26/11/2014
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - International Chamber of Commerce / World Chamber Federation
By signing this MoU, ASCAME and the International Chamber of Commerce / World Chamber Federation (ICC/WCF) show their commitment to foster the role of the Mediterranean Business Community by creating links with other international businesses and though the improvement of the cooperation between them.

- Date: 26/11/2014
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED)
The present MoU between the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED) and ASCAME has been established with the purpose to support the social and economic development of the Mediterranean Business Community and maximizing bilateral and multilateral Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

- Date: 26/11/2014
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports (MedCruise)
Through this MoU, the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports (MedCruise) and ASCAME will cooperate and contribute to the creation of an efficient and sustainable network between the Mediterranean cruise ports and the creation of synergies with the Mediterranean private sector with the final aim to support the Mediterranean region, its people and its businesses all over the world.

- Date: 03/06/2014
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean
The Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean of the Spanish Red Cross (CCM) and ASCAME commit to collaborate closely with the aim to encourage the execution of common objectives in the Mediterranean with the certainty that such a collaboration will lead to better results in the programs and actions to be implemented, and will benefit both institutions. Some of the common objectives are the promotion and coordination of joint actions related to the strengthening of coexistence for peace, human rights and solidarity, education, fostering freedom, justice and the need to overcome economic, social and cultural inequalities in the countries of the Mediterranean region.
The present MoU has been established in the context of the initiatives undertaken by Mediterranean Cities Network (MedCities) and ASCAME with the purpose to establish a framework of cooperation that will contribute to improve the capacity of local administrations of the Mediterranean region in sustainable urban development and to empower municipalities in developing countries, mainly Mediterranean countries, in respect of encouraging an intelligent economic development in the Mediterranean sea basin.
This MoU between ASCAME and Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) covers cooperation in the field of academic research and employability centres at the university level, aimed in particular at a better understanding of socio-economic issues in the region and at giving support to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

- Date: 16/09/2013
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Mediterranean Federation of Insurance Brokers
By signing this MoU, the Mediterranean Federation of Insurance Brokers (FMBA) and ASCAME commit themselves to establish and strengthen the relationship between the organizations and their members. The focus of their attention is directed on the improvement of the Mediterranean private sector and the socio-economic development of the Mediterranean region. In this sense, the two parties will cooperate to contribute to the creation of efficient and sustainable networks between the chambers of commerce and insurance brokers in the Mediterranean region.
The purpose of this MoU is to initiate and facilitate collaboration and cooperation between the parties in matters of common interest. As the largest multilateral borrower and lender by volume, the European Investment Bank (EIB) provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects which contribute to furthering EU policy objectives. The enhanced collaboration among ASCAME and the EIB shall take into due consideration those elements required in order to develop an investment-friendly environment and, thus, foster private sector initiatives in the Mediterranean region, which should be the basis for sound, sustainable and long-lasting economic growth.
Through the signature of this MoU, ASCAME and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) commit themselves to promote business participation and private sector involvement in key activities and projects essential to the prosperous development of the Mediterranean region.
The parties share the principles expressed by the Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and Governments and shall seek to strengthen collaboration mechanisms to contribute to a better understanding of the private sector in the Mediterranean region, especially in those challenges to be faced by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which represent some 90% of the already existing companies in those countries.
This MoU has been established in the context of the initiatives undertaken by the World Free & Special Economic Zones (FEMOZA) and ASCAME with the purpose to increase the uptake of foreign investment in the Mediterranean and provide a safe and comfortable scenario for future projects, not only in the decision-making phase but also in the implementation and operation phases of their business. In this sense, the Parties will cooperate to contribute to the creation of an efficient and sustainable network between the Mediterranean Free Zones and promote these free zones to the investors all over the world.
As representatives of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the companies of the Mediterranean Basin and the European Union, ASCAME and EUROCHAMBRES have specified, through this agreement, the priorities on which the cooperation will be established.
Among other objectives, both entities commit themselves to promote all the aspects which encourage the economic development and the trade relations between the European Union, its state members and the countries of the Mediterranean among their respective regions and institutions.
Having as base the shared vision of the Mediterranean as a region with a shared identity and idiosyncrasy, Casa Mediterráneo shares with ASCAME the need to promote sustainable development for the Mediterranean making possible the strengthening of such common identity.
By signing this agreement, FERRMED (Promotion of the Great Freight Railway Axis Scandinavia-Rhine-Rhone-Western Mediterranean ASBL) and ASCAME undertake to exchange research programmes and intermodal location projects. The two signatories will also jointly develop projects to support businesses and innovative research, particularly in the following areas: transport and integrated logistics, congestion and infrastructure reinforcement, concepts to save time, energy and environmental intelligence.
ASCAME and U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) through this protocol agree to develop and nurture a relationship of mutual understanding and cooperation to strengthen friendly relations and promote the exchange of market information, trade and technology between two organisations.
Destination Partners is engaged in the business of online travel promotions and destination marketing. It has extensive experience in and is well connected with the travel and tourism industry. Through this agreement, ASCAME wishes to promote the Mediterranean destinations from ASCAME website to Mediterranean tourism and travel-related businesses and to generate revenue through advertising of such businesses on its website.

- Date: 12/11/2008
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - European Intermodal Association
By signing this MoU, ASCAME and the European Intermodal Association (EIA) commit themselves mainly to improve the interoperability of the transport modes between the countries around the Mediterranean Sea aiming at contributing to the creation of efficient, sustainable and intelligent logistic supply chains from origin to destination.

- Date: 12/11/2008
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce
The bilateral collaboration between the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce and ASCAME for the implementation of actions in favour of the socio-economic development of the Adriatic-Ionian area and the Mediterranean aims helping both signatory entities to improve the access to their communities from the respective regions to international economic resources specifically in the framework of investment projects in developing countries and transition economies.

- Date: 12/11/2008
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
The present MoU has been established in the context of the initiatives undertaken by the Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME) and ASCAME (the parties hereinafter).
Through the ASCAME Commission of Women Entrepreneurs, both entities will work together to promote the socio-economic relations in the Mediterranean; provide support to female entrepreneurs and women in business, and facilitate the access of women to decision-making positions in the economy. In this sense, the parties will cooperate to contribute to the creation of a networking platform for businesswomen and women entrepreneurs from all over the Mediterranean and a Euro-Mediterranean lobby organisation.
Both signatories of this Memorandum reaffirm their common will of working in favour of the Barcelona Process: “Union for the Mediterranean” that has the objective of consolidating peace, stability and prosperity in the Mediterranean region through common and sustainable economic development, especially by implementing projects that contribute to mutual understanding, exchange and cooperation between the different Mediterranean countries, societies and cultures.
The aim of this MoU signed by ASCAME and Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean is to develop a strong institutional relationship that will provide the means for establishing a permanent mechanism for dialogue and create platforms that will enable both institutions’ members to share experiences and exchange ideas.
The two parties agree to cooperate in the exchange of information about events, financial opportunities and regional initiatives related to the business world that take place in the regions comprising the two platforms; make proposal and promotion of the implementation of projects and programs that facilitate trans frontier business cooperation and the creation of joint ventures; cooperate in providing promotion and assistance for those companies wishing to invest; and coordinate and promote of reciprocal trade missions, among others points of interest.

- Date: 27/02/2007
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production
This agreement has been signed to set up a suitable collaboration framework between the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) and the Association of Mediterranean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) for the greater eco-efficiency and sustainability of companies in the Mediterranean countries.

- Date: 08/11/2003
- Type of agreement: MoU
- Entities: ASCAME - Association of Iberoamerican Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services
The Association of Iberoamerican Chambers of Commerce (AICO) and the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) share common aims as for the promotion of the industrial and economic development in the Latin American and Mediterranean regions respectively. AICO and ASCAME are always willing to co-operate with any initiative that renders industrial and economic benefits to the Latin America and Mediterranean regions respectively.