
The Barcelona Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation in Spain chairs the ASCAME Commission of International Relations.

Today, the interdependencies between countries and regions are obvious and the Mediterranean has to implement strong international relations with strategic international partners, especially the EU, to support its development.


The missions of the ASCAME International Relations Commission are to:

  • Consolidate ASCAME as an economic partner of the EU and other international organizations in the realization of economic cooperation projects for the Mediterranean region.
  • Reinforce ASCAME institutional relations with international organizations in the Mediterranean area, particularly with the associations of chambers of commerce.
  • Promote ASCAME in front of international organizations as the main representative of the Mediterranean private sector.

The final objectives of the RI Commission are the following ones:

  • To promote the Mediterranean region and its enterprises in the world.
  • To raise the awareness of the concerned countries’ governments on guaranteeing a stable, transparent economic and investment framework.
  • To develop cooperation measures between all the concerned actors in the economic development and promotion fields, particularly for agencies or ministries, for professional or multilateral organisations, etc.
  • To create an Agency for the international development of the Mediterranean Businesses to support them on highly potential markets where the Mediterranean countries are not yet sufficiently present.

Since its creation, the International Relation Commission has supported ASCAME to participate actively in some projects in favour of the region and to collaborate with other main organizations, through the signature of Memoranda of Understanding.