Integrity Values & Business Ethics
Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon


In a changing world, companies and organisations are increasingly being asked by the public about the legality and ethics of their actions. The Integrity Values & Business Ethics Commission serves to propose various actions in favour of integrity, transparency and the fight against corruption within organisations.


The main objectives of this Commission are to:

  • Emphasize the importance of proper ‘Corporate Governance’ practices, and assist in their effective implementation at all levels,
  • Introduce essential concepts supporting the adoption of ethical ‘Business Values’, and create practical application guidelines,
  • Develop sectoral specific toolkits leading to tangible benefits from the execution of the above principles and others that promote integrity, anti-corruption, transparency, etc.

Concretely and, on a more operational level, this Commission will deploy:

  • Development & publication of a code of conduct
  • Identification of best practices for benchmarking
  • Launch a series of training programs